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Learn the familiar herbs first

Yes, That Dandelion in your lawn is NOT A WEED! It’s a herb!

People have been collecting herbs to use as medicine for centuries. Many doctors claim however that taking herbs in place of your prescribed medication is not recommended.

Herbs, like vitamins, are good for your body and overall health. Usually, herbs need to be taken over a long period to receive the benefits to your health. There has been a lot of information and testing with regard to herbal remedies. Although the exact cause of why herbs have a positive effect on the body is not always known.

Listed below is information about some common herbs and remedies.

Chamomile is used for relief from upset stomachs, colds, bronchitis, bladder troubles, and jaundice. Chamomile is also helpful in the regulating menstrual cycle, rheumatic pains, and headaches. Chamomile has also been effective for babies with colic. In addition, it can be prepared as an insect repellent.

Dandelion (in the picture above) has a high vitamin and mineral content that is good for kidney and liver disorders, and also skin disease and loss of appetite. Dandelion increases activity in the pancreas, liver, and spleen and contains insulin substitutes.

Alfalfa has been known to be effective in treating gas pains, pain, and stiffness from arthritis and ulcers. Alfalfa herbal tea has no adverse components and is safe for all people, including children.

Eucalyptus is a used in many commercial medicines such as a cough and sore throat medications. Eucalyptus also contains oils that are extremely potent antiseptics. These oils may be applied on wounds, sores, and burns. Eucalyptus can also be used as an insect repellent.

Ginseng has been used for more than 5000 years in the Chinese medicine. Ginseng strengthens the heart and nervous system. In addition, it builds up a general mental and physical vitality and may be effective for treating colds, coughs, gout, diabetes, headache, and backache. It takes away craving for sugar.

Strawberry is a strengthening tonic for the entire system. It is helpful with diarrhea, night sweats, liver complaints, gout, and jaundice. Strawberry is used internally for weak intestines and is also used for enemas.

Hawthorn is known to cause the dilation of the coronary vessels and a wonderful heart protector. It has been found to help with insomnia. It has been used to treat high blood pressure when taken over a period of time.

The above herbal remedies listed above are general guidelines. If a herb does not agree with you or if you feel adverse effects, stop using the herb. The information contained in this article is not intended to replace the services of a physician.

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